DZ e-Science GRID
DZ e-Science GRID is a computing & data grid infrastructure and services supported by the Algerian Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research. This national GRID infrastructure is an initiative started in 2006 by ARN "Algerian Research Network" entity from Networks Division at CERIST.
DZ e-Science GRID is part of ARN services.
DZ e-Science GRID is open to all researchers in Algeria through their institutions. Users belonging to academic and research community can have access to this infrastructure and execute different types of applications. More details can be found about how to join DZ e-Science GRID (lien).
DZ e-Science CA
DZ e-Science Certification Authority had been launched in September 2011 by ARN entity from Networks Division. DZ e-Science CA is fully operational with accreditation from the European organisation EugridPMA which coordinates the trust fabric for e-Science authentication in Europe and collaborates with the regional peers APGridPMA for the Asia-Pacific and Americas GRID PMA in the International Grid Trust Federation.